The single-player story eases you into the intricacies the game demands from you, casting you as two different pilots on opposing sides of the skirmishes in the aftermath of the second Death Star’s destruction. You can even use a flight stick instead of a controller to complete the sense of immersion. Squadrons is a deceptively arcadey-looking space-dogfighting sim with rewardingly deep engine-power management, weaponry options and tricky flying techniques to master. This is childhood-fantasy fulfilment on a galactic scale. No other game in history has immersed me so completely in the universe George Lucas created. Let’s not beat around the bush: if you are a fan of Star Wars and have the means to play Squadrons in VR, you should buy it right now. Praise was unanimous, EA’s Motive Studio took note, and now here we are with a whole game where you can fly around inside X-Wings and Tie Fighters. It wasn’t until EA released Rogue One – a single, supplementary VR mission for 2016’s Star Wars: Battlefront – that the concept of actually being there was quietly nailed: the holy grail towards which Star Wars games had been striving for 34 years. Yet even the ones that succeeded were constrained by the technology of their eras, leaving much of the work of convincing the player that they were actually in a galaxy far, far away to their own imaginations.

I t wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to posit that one of the primary drivers of video game innovation over the past 40 years has been the desire to live out Star Wars fantasies – from the Parker Brothers’ Empire Strikes Back in 1982 (the first Star Wars tie-in game) to the superlative X-Wing/Tie Fighter series in the mid-90s right through to the slick Battlefronts of this generation.